Wednesday, August 3, 2016

How to Create Your Own Flower Crown

Flower crowns have been taking the world by storm recently. Whether it’s a music festival, a wedding or just an afternoon out with your besties, flower crowns seem to be the go-to accessory nowadays, and we are pretty happy about it. There’s something whimsical and oh-so-girly about flower crowns.

What you will need:

~ Assorted seasonal greenery and flowers (ranunculus, Japanese ranunculus and garden roses shown here), 
~ 25 to 30 inches of moss covered florist wire, 
~ scissors or garden shears, 
~ florist wire 
~ roll of florist tape.


~ Begin by cutting each of your flower and greenery stems about 2 to 3 inches long to make a pile of sprigs that will be woven into your flower crown. 
~ Measure the moss-covered florist wire to fit around your head and secure it in a circle by twisting the ends around each other. This piece will serve as the base of your crown. 

~ Attach the first sprig to the moss-covered florist wire with florist wire by wrapping the two together. 
~ Cover the florist wire with florist tape and wrap it around the first piece, leaving extra tape at the end to begin securing additional sprigs. Tip: The florist tape will stick together very easily so when you need a new piece, simply wrap it around the initial piece.

~ Gather 1 to 3 additional sprigs of assorted flowers and greenery. Pinch them together and add to the growing strand by securing them to the moss covered wire with florist tape. 
~ Continue building your crown by adding flowers and greenery in small bundles while using your florist tape to wrap them around the growing strand. 
~ Once you have reached the desired length and design of your crown, begin to finish it by clipping the remaining stems so they are even. 
~ To create an even look on both ends of the crown, you can use a piece of greenery identical to the one you began with and turn it the opposite way, wrapping it to the end with florist tape to cover the ends of the stems.

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